среда, 18 ноября 2015 г.
пятница, 30 октября 2015 г.
Let there Be Music
The Sathya Sai Universal Symphony Orchestra
India has recognized the salutary effect of music on the mind; its potency to restore calm and equanimity, to still the waves of agitation and worry. Music is the instrument by which passions are sublimated, emotions are tamed, impulses are directed to higher purposes.
India has recognized the salutary effect of music on the mind; its potency to restore calm and equanimity, to still the waves of agitation and worry. Music is the instrument by which passions are sublimated, emotions are tamed, impulses are directed to higher purposes.
—Sathya Sai Baba
Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. V, Chapter 46
Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. V, Chapter 46
вторник, 8 сентября 2015 г.
18. Sathya Sai Seva
THE Vedhas are inspired by the holy spirit of Divine Mercy;
they seek to transmit to humanity the secrets of a happy life here and of
Liberation for ever. They reveal the essence of the Divine Glory. They are the
source of spiritual knowledge over the millennia for all mankind. The Vedhas
and the Intellect, which man is endowed with as a gift from God to separate
good from evil, are the means by which the culture of this land is to be
preserved and promoted. When the Vedhic treasure house is explored with
intelligence, the Aathma-thathwa (essential nature of the Self) becomes clear
and when that is recognised, man becomes eternally happy and full of peace.
This treasure was slighted and neglected as a result of the fascination for
outlandish ways of life, but, since some years, the feeling of reverence and
the readiness to repent have appeared among the people.
This Conference is itself a sign of revival. You are
allotted the task of bringing once again to the homes of the people the message
of Aathmic strength and Aathmic unity. Transmuting 'man' into 'God' and
experiencing that Aanandha (Bliss) is the one and only achievement for which
life is to be devoted. The efforts you make in your own places are directed to
bring this goal into the awareness of each person. Of course, there are in
existence many organisations and societies engaged in distributing various
cures for the 'spiritual' 'ills of their constituents, and therefore, a
question may arise about the need for this additional institution. The need has
arisen to emphasise the basic and essential discipline, which is practical and
universal, as prescribed since ages for the revelation of the Divine in man.
Faults and failures
Все-Индия конференция, Прашанти Нилаям, 21-11-1970
All-India Conference, Prashaanthi Nilayam, 21-11-1970
Сатья Саи Баба дискурс
PEOPLE may say that the Vedhas are only a collection of sounds, of series of letters, but they are much more. Vedha is Wisdom; Wisdom is God. The culture of Bhaarath built on the Vedha elaborates this Truth and enjoins its practice. This Truth has now to be lived in daily life so that the dire problems affecting the individual and society can be solved.
Many practices and patterns of behaviour have been added to this Culture in the course of history. It is necessary to discard these and purify the outlook. This is one of the main tasks of this Organisation. Economic development and five-year plans may raise the standard of living, but unless, along with these, the fundamental Wisdom enshrined in the Vedha is assimilated by the people, such progress will end in disaster. Morality, a virtuous character, is the very foundation of progress, the very basic need. It grows in the realm of the Spirit. But, today, the Spirit is neglected. Physical and animal needs are catered for, they are accepted as the ends of living; all efforts are directed to these.
In the Kritha yuga, Dharma (righteousness) was accepted and sought after as the very base of life. In the Thretha Yuga, the next Age, God who was installed in the heart was accepted and sought. In the Dwaapara Yuga, developing contacts and attachment with kinsmen and friends was considered enough to keep one safe and happy. In the Kali Yuga, the modem age, food and sustenance are taken as the very essentials of Life.
All-India Conference, Prashaanthi Nilayam, 21-11-1970
Сатья Саи Баба дискурс
PEOPLE may say that the Vedhas are only a collection of sounds, of series of letters, but they are much more. Vedha is Wisdom; Wisdom is God. The culture of Bhaarath built on the Vedha elaborates this Truth and enjoins its practice. This Truth has now to be lived in daily life so that the dire problems affecting the individual and society can be solved.
Many practices and patterns of behaviour have been added to this Culture in the course of history. It is necessary to discard these and purify the outlook. This is one of the main tasks of this Organisation. Economic development and five-year plans may raise the standard of living, but unless, along with these, the fundamental Wisdom enshrined in the Vedha is assimilated by the people, such progress will end in disaster. Morality, a virtuous character, is the very foundation of progress, the very basic need. It grows in the realm of the Spirit. But, today, the Spirit is neglected. Physical and animal needs are catered for, they are accepted as the ends of living; all efforts are directed to these.
In the Kritha yuga, Dharma (righteousness) was accepted and sought after as the very base of life. In the Thretha Yuga, the next Age, God who was installed in the heart was accepted and sought. In the Dwaapara Yuga, developing contacts and attachment with kinsmen and friends was considered enough to keep one safe and happy. In the Kali Yuga, the modem age, food and sustenance are taken as the very essentials of Life.
четверг, 20 августа 2015 г.
четверг, 18 июня 2015 г.
WITHOUT PAIN NO HAPPINESS / Без страдания нет счастья
Sathya Sai Baba / Сатья Саи Баба
The pleasure and pain go together. There is no man without these twins - pain and pleasure.
Pain and pleasure are intermixed.
It is impossible for anybody to separate them.
The fructification of the difficulty which gives you the pleasure.
This message of truth must be taught to the entire world.
Without difficulties you will not know the value of happiness.
When there's no darkness you will not know the value of light.
So basing on these two, the pleasure and pain, Jesus went on explaining what is the foundation, what is the basis,
what is the primordial principle that would ultimately help mankind.
So we have to bear with our problems.
Difficulties will give us happiness.
The one who does not know the pain, will never know the value of pleasure.
And we should achieve happiness and share.
Удовольствие и боль существуют вместе. Отделить их невозможно.
Без проблем и трудностей - у нас не будет счастья.
Без тьмы мы не узнаем свет.
И далее делиться с другими.
The pleasure and pain go together. There is no man without these twins - pain and pleasure.
Pain and pleasure are intermixed.
It is impossible for anybody to separate them.
The fructification of the difficulty which gives you the pleasure.
This message of truth must be taught to the entire world.
Without difficulties you will not know the value of happiness.
When there's no darkness you will not know the value of light.
So basing on these two, the pleasure and pain, Jesus went on explaining what is the foundation, what is the basis,
what is the primordial principle that would ultimately help mankind.
So we have to bear with our problems.
Difficulties will give us happiness.
The one who does not know the pain, will never know the value of pleasure.
And we should achieve happiness and share.
Удовольствие и боль существуют вместе. Отделить их невозможно.
Без проблем и трудностей - у нас не будет счастья.
Без тьмы мы не узнаем свет.
И далее делиться с другими.
четверг, 11 июня 2015 г.
пятница, 5 июня 2015 г.
Distinguishing between the voice of the mind and the voice of the conscience
Различие между голосом разума и голосом совести
беседа-сатсанг в зале Прашанти 28 мая 2015 (на англ.)
докладчик Аравинд
This was a talk delivered in the Satsangh Hall in Prasanthi Nilayam on the 28th of May, 2015
This was a talk delivered in the Satsangh Hall in Prasanthi Nilayam on the 28th of May, 2015
пятница, 29 мая 2015 г.
Программа Микрософта определяет возможный возраст по предоставленой фотографии. Свами здесь 84, молодому человеку 28.
Engineers at #Microsoft, using their advanced Face Detection abilities and some computing came up with this page where you can upload a photo and it will generate the possible age of the people in the picture (along with an image of the gender). You can select random pictures to check the age and gender....
The first picture I tried it was the one closest to my heart - with Swami aboard the aircraft bound to#Puttaparthi from Hadshi. My actual age in the picture is 28 while Swami's actual age is 84. But see the results yourself... No wonder God is ever-young!!!!
The first picture I tried it was the one closest to my heart - with Swami aboard the aircraft bound to#Puttaparthi from Hadshi. My actual age in the picture is 28 while Swami's actual age is 84. But see the results yourself... No wonder God is ever-young!!!!
Я никуда не ухожу

вторник, 26 мая 2015 г.
Guru Poornima Discource 13.07.2003
Избавьтесь от телесной привязанности, чтобы развить атмическое сознание
Воплощения Любви!
Вся вселенная была сотворена по Воле Бога. Бог сотворил вселенную и поддерживает её. Вселенная в конечном итоге растворяется в Боге, источнике её происхождения. Вселенная, возникшая по Божественной Воле, называется Вишвам. Точный смысл слова Вишвам – саморасширяющееся и полное блаженства. Бог сотворил вселенную с определённой целью, но человек поступает вопреки этой цели. Вишвам – это не просто манифестация физической материи, а прямая манифестация Бога.
понедельник, 20 апреля 2015 г.
Выступление Бхагавана 24-8-1971
32. Stoop to Serve
VINAAYAKA Chathurthi is the name of the festival celebrated today, all over the country, from the Himaalayas to the Cape, and also wherever people of this country owning allegiance to its culture live. Vinaayaka or Ganesha or Ganapathi or Vighneshwara---all indicate the elephantGod, who is popular among young and old, and who is worshipped as the very first deity, before regularly beginning any ceremony or samskaar, any yaaga or yajna, any vow or fast or pilgrimage. He is the Lord of the Ganas or Divine Forces, inside and outside the human body; He is the Lord, who masters and overwhelms vighna (obstacle), however imminent or eminent. This is the natural effect of the fact that Ganapathi is the God of Intelligence, Vidhya or Buddhi (learning or intellect).
вторник, 17 марта 2015 г.
понедельник, 9 марта 2015 г.
Yearn to be close ...
Yearn always to be as close to your Divine Core as possible.
You need not desert your family and run away into loneliness. You have only to keep in mind the comparative triviality of the world. Death stalks every living beings disintegration waits on all created things. From a world so transient, so uncertain and unstable, one has to win the goal of eternal peace and eternal bliss. The eternal Atma is associated with the ephemeral body! Discrimination alone can make this plain. Detachment alone can make the road clear.
You need not desert your family and run away into loneliness. You have only to keep in mind the comparative triviality of the world. Death stalks every living beings disintegration waits on all created things. From a world so transient, so uncertain and unstable, one has to win the goal of eternal peace and eternal bliss. The eternal Atma is associated with the ephemeral body! Discrimination alone can make this plain. Detachment alone can make the road clear.
понедельник, 19 января 2015 г.
Если ты любишь Бога ..
Если ты любишь Бога
Если ты истинно любишь Бога,
Тебе некого ненавидеть,
Некого бояться и не с кем
Если ты любишь Бога,
Ты всегда любишь других
И легко прощаешь
Причиненное ими зло.
Если ты любишь Бога,
Ты ни о чем ином не можешь,
Не хочешь и не будешь думать,
Если ты истинно любишь Бога,
Тебе некого ненавидеть,
Некого бояться и не с кем
Если ты любишь Бога,
Ты всегда любишь других
И легко прощаешь
Причиненное ими зло.
Если ты любишь Бога,
Ты ни о чем ином не можешь,
Не хочешь и не будешь думать,
воскресенье, 18 января 2015 г.
Выступление Бхагавана 23/11/97
32. Recognise your Divine Identity
Neither merit nor sin, neither joy nor sorrow;
Neither manthras nor pilgrimages;
Neither charity nor yajna;
Neither eating, nor food, nor consumer of food.
I am none of these.
I am the Eternal Bliss Divine,
The One Absolute. I am Shiva.
Neither merit nor sin, neither joy nor sorrow;
Neither manthras nor pilgrimages;
Neither charity nor yajna;
Neither eating, nor food, nor consumer of food.
I am none of these.
I am the Eternal Bliss Divine,
The One Absolute. I am Shiva.
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