четверг, 10 ноября 2022 г.

22. The perennial quest - Вечный поиск

Сатья Саи говорит, том XX

глава 22

THAT which eyes cannot see, but which enables the eyes to see--That is God. The divine cannot be grasped by the mind or described by speech. The Divine transcends all proof. It is One. "I am One, let Me become Many." The myriad forms in the Cosmos emerged from this Sankalpa (inner thought) of the One. To discover the one in many, the sages prescribed for mankind the Karma, Bhakti and Upaasana paths and indicated in pronouncements like "Tat-Twam-Asi" (That Thou Art) that the process is one of Self-realisation. 

They declared that the individual should realise that the phenomenal world is in fact a reflected image of himself. But, man, forgetting his true Self, identifies himself with the sense organs and indulges in many wrong actions for the sake of pleasures and pains experienced by' the senses. 

Every man seeks to achieve Ananda (unalloyed happiness) through some means or the other and engages himself in ceaseless efforts for this purpose. But pure happiness eludes him because he does not know its real nature and where to find it. Ananda (bliss) cannot be found in the phenomenal world or in material objects like houses, wealth and vehicles, or got from kith and kin. When the bliss that he is seeking is his own true nature, what is the use in seeking it elsewhere? True happiness consists in realising one's Reality

ТО, чего глаза не могут видеть, но что позволяет им видеть, — это Бог. Божественное нельзя постичь умом или описать словами. Божественное превосходит все доказательства. Это Один. «Я Один, позволь Мне стать Многими». Мириады форм в Космосе возникли из этой санкальпы (внутренней мысли) Единого. Чтобы открыть Единое во многом, мудрецы предписали человечеству пути Кармы, Бхакти и Упасаны и указали в высказываниях, подобных «Тат-Твам-Аси» (То Ты Есть), что этот процесс является процессом Самореализации.

Они заявляли, что индивидуум должен осознать, что феноменальный мир на самом деле является отражением его самого. Но человек, забыв свое истинное Я, отождествляет себя с органами чувств и предается многим неправильным действиям ради удовольствий и страданий, испытываемых чувствами.

Каждый человек стремится достичь Ананды (чистого счастья) теми или иными средствами и предпринимает непрестанные усилия для достижения этой цели. Но чистое счастье ускользает от него, потому что он не знает его истинной природы и где его найти. Ананда (блаженство) не может быть найдена в феноменальном мире или в материальных объектах, таких как дома, богатство и транспортные средства, или получена от родных и близких. Если блаженство, которое он ищет, является его собственной истинной природой, какой смысл искать его в другом месте? Истинное счастье состоит в осознании своей Реальности

воскресенье, 23 октября 2022 г.

The Mother Kali - Рамакришна о Матери Кали

The Mother Kali

In Sri Ramakrishna’s Words

Mother Has Revealed Everything To Me

I wept before the Mother and prayed, “O Mother, please tell me, please reveal to me what the yogis have realized through yoga and the jnanis through discrimination.” And the Mother has revealed everything to me. She reveals everything if the devotee cries to Her with a yearning heart. She has shown me everything that is in the Vedas, the Vedanta, the Puranas, and the Tantra.

The Divine Mother revealed to me in the Kali temple that it was She who had become everything. She showed me that everything was full of Consciousness. The image was Consciousness, the water was Consciousness, the altar was Consciousness, the water vessels were Consciousness, the doorsill was Consciousness, the marble floor was Consciousness — all was Consciousness.

I found everything inside the room soaked, as it were, in Bliss — the Bliss of Satchidananda. I saw a wicked man in front of the Kali temple, but in him also I saw the Power of the Divine Mother vibrating.

That was why I fed a cat with the food that was to be offered to the Divine Mother. I clearly perceived that the Divine Mother Herself had become everything — even the cat. The manager of the temple garden wrote to Mathur Babu saying that I was feeding the cat with the offering intended for the Divine Mother. But Mathur Babu had the insight into the state of my mind. He wrote back to the manager: “Let him do whatever he likes. You must not say anything to him.”

To my Divine Mother, I prayed only for pure love. I offered flowers at Her Lotus Feet and prayed to Her: “Mother, here is Thy virtue, here it Thy vice. Take them both and grant me only pure love for Thee. Here is Thy knowledge, here is Thy ignorance, take them both and grant me only pure love for Thee. Here is Thy purity, here is Thy impurity. Take them both, Mother, and grant me only pure love for Thee. Here is Thy dharma, here is Thy adharma. Take them both, Mother, and grant me only pure love for Thee.”

Is Kali Really Black?

You see Her as black because you are far away from Her. Go near and you will find Her devoid of all color. The water of a lake appears black from a distance. Go near and take the water in your hand, and you will see that it has no color at all. Similarly, the sky looks blue from a distance. But look at the atmosphere near you; it has no color. The nearer you come to God, the more you will realize that He has neither name nor form. If you move away from the Divine Mother, you will find Her blue, like the grass-flower. Is Shyama male or female? A man once saw the image of the Divine Mother wearing a sacred thread. He said to the worshipper: “What? You have put the sacred thread around the Mother’s neck!” The worshipper said: “Brother, I see that you have truly known the Mother. But I have not yet been able to find out whether She is male or female; that is why I have put the sacred thread on Her image.”

суббота, 14 мая 2022 г.

The way to God - Путь к Богу

Embodiments of Love! 

You have all come from many distant parts of the world. You have come to experience the joy of participating in the Buddha Purnima celebrations. You need not have come all the way from your distant places. Buddhi represents the intellect. That intellect must be used properly. Then you will realize what is implied in Buddhism. 

People talk about spiritual exercises and waste their lives. All these pursuits are waste of time. It is enough if you develop sacred feelings. The chief sadhana (spiritual exercise) consists of getting rid of bad thoughts and cultivating good qualities. Whatever pilgrim center you may visit, try to shed your bad tendencies. Develop good qualities instead. 

понедельник, 21 февраля 2022 г.

Inner Significance of Shivaratri . Внутреннее значение Шиваратри

        Many stories are told in the Sastras to explain the origin and significance of the Maha Shivaratri Festival. Bharat, the name for this land used from ancient times, means ‘the land of those who have Rati (Love) towards Bha (Light or Bhagavan). So, for the people of this land, all days are sacred; every moment is precious. The Ganga is holy from source to sea, but, yet there are some places on its banks, associated with some sage or temple, the confluence of a tributary, or a historical incident, which are revered more by generations. Such places are Hardwar, Varanasi, Prayag, Rishikesh. 

пятница, 18 февраля 2022 г.

Бхагаван о преданности и духовной эволюции Рамакришны Парамахамсы

 Сатья Саи говорит, том 4, 5 декабря 1964 г., Курнул - беседа "Актёры и действие" - о преданности Рамакришны Богу, как он жил ролями пуранических персонажей, таких как Радха и Хануман (когда он отождествил себя с Хануманом и провёл месяцы на деревьях, произнося только Рама Намах, его анатомия изменилась; у него вырос зарождающийся хвост. Это была мера глубины его бхавы (силы мысли), само-отвержения.)

Беседа Бхагавана "Прояви свою Божественность" 1 января 1992, Сатья Саи говорит т.25, Прашанти - Поклонение Богу должно исходить из сердца. Когда преданность исходит из сердца, голос Божества можно ощутить в тишине, Шабда Брахман (звук Высшего Духа). Это был опыт Рамакришны Парамахамсы. Он соблюдал совершенную тишину, в любой момент ожидая голоса Бога. Можно ли услышать Божественный голос в какофонии повседневных звуков? Нет. ... Когда речь сдерживается, голос Духа внутри становится слышимым. Он тоньше человеческого дыхания. 
