суббота, 12 марта 2016 г.

Heroic adventure - Prashaanthi Nilayam, November 1971

36. Heroic adventure

GOD gave this body so that you may use it to sanctify Time, through beneficial acts. Of course, man is ever anxious that he should get contentment and joy, as soon as possible with as little exertion as possible. But, he places more confidence on material comforts and material possessions, hoping that they can yield joy and content. There is no effort by him to ensure being born in good circumstances and surroundings. Goodness is natural to man; it is his nature, when it is untarnished. But, man relishes the tarnish, not the pure core. Falsehood with all its enticements is liked more than truth which wears simple clothes only.

Consider this: Milk and curds are sold in the streets by vendors who shout about the excellence of their ware, but, no one runs to open the door, call them in and purchase the health-giving nectar! Toddy and arrack (home brewed liquors) are sold far from the village bounds; but, yet, people tramp the distance to where they are available, pay the price with no bargaining and consume the poisonous stuff, which robs them of all dignity! This is the tragedy! Good counsel though given with love is seldom listened to. Bad talk attracts people so much that they walk miles to listen to scandal and abuse!

Be and Be Blessed - 11-5-1971 Divine Discourse

22. Be and Be Blessed

ACTIVITY is the keynote of the Universe; by activity, all beings are born, by activity, they maintain themselves, and through that activity they: perish. Constant breathing, inhaling and exhaling, keeps the body temperature even and comfortable. The One that is beyond all activity assumed the forms of the five basic elemental materials---sky, earth, air, fire and water---in order to act and activate. To be active, yet, to be always aware that it is all mere acting, is the secret of happiness. That is the Dharma (virtue) which must regulate and sanctify the karma.

The achievements of technology which have taken man to the moon are also events in the Cosmic Drama, where the principle performers are only working out His Plan; identification with the adventure and its success or failure will make the performers proud or depressed states which would not help inner peace and joy. The secret of good karma is, do karma as an act of Worship, a dedicatory rite offered to the source of all energy and intelligence. And, never take the consequence to heart. By this means, one can approximate to the Divine Principle, which is beyond activity.