суббота, 14 мая 2022 г.

The way to God - Путь к Богу

Embodiments of Love! 

You have all come from many distant parts of the world. You have come to experience the joy of participating in the Buddha Purnima celebrations. You need not have come all the way from your distant places. Buddhi represents the intellect. That intellect must be used properly. Then you will realize what is implied in Buddhism. 

People talk about spiritual exercises and waste their lives. All these pursuits are waste of time. It is enough if you develop sacred feelings. The chief sadhana (spiritual exercise) consists of getting rid of bad thoughts and cultivating good qualities. Whatever pilgrim center you may visit, try to shed your bad tendencies. Develop good qualities instead. 

People speak about nirvana. It is equated with moksha or liberation. You must aim at achieving this liberation. Nirvana means experiencing bliss in the last moments of your life. Man does not realize what it is that he should seek and what he should reject. 

There are three things required to be done in life. You should try to do good to those that have done harm to you. You must forget the harm done by others and also the good you have done to others. So you should forget what needs to be forgotten and remember those things that require to be remembered. What are the things you have to remember? The good that others have done to you. You must remember the good that has been done to you as something sacred. You must express your gratitude to them.

Make all your actions conform to righteousness (dharma). Whatever actions you do remembering God will get sanctified thereby.

See no evil; See what is good.
Hear no evil; Hear what is good. 
Speak no evil; Speak what is good. 
Think no evil; Think what is good. 
Do no evil; Do what is good. 
This is the way to God.

This is the essence of Buddha's teachings. When you are indulging in evil pursuits through your senses, how can you get peace? Peace should come from hridaya (the spiritual heart) filled with compassion. Embodiments of Love! The Divine dwells in each of us in the form of Love.

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